High High Jagga
My words sound better coming from my hands than my mouth
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Does This Dress Make Me Look Pregnant?
Friday, November 18, 2022
Never wrong a writer. They get their revenge in print.
Do you guys think Bonnie noticed Woody was missing?
Monday, November 14, 2022
Twelve random facts about me
Why twelve? I don't know. Probably because there's twelve months in a year? Here we go.
I cannot stand the taste of pineapple.
Not under any circumstances, not even when I dipped them in salt.
My house is a mess.
No matter how many times I tidied up, it's still looks messy.
I can't handle scary movies.
Although the only ones I've ever watched all the way through were Chucky, IT and IT2. They're not bad. But then it's probably because I watched them during daylight.
There's a funny story behind how I came to watch Chucky. Maybe I'll write that in another post.
I used to pull out grasshopper's legs when I was little.
In elementary school, my friends and I would catch grasshoppers, and then we pulled out its legs so it can't jump and escape. We wanted to make them our pets. The grasshopper(s) didn't last a day before it died.
I daydreamed - a lot!
You can't even imagine what it's like. Apparently it's a mental condition called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Although mine's probably called Immersive Daydreaming. Either way, it's a mental condition, like I said.
I don't curse.
Well, at least, I don't curse in front of people I'm not close with.
And I don't curse in my native language. Those were vulgar as vulgar can be. So I only curse in English.
I have one constant friend throughout the years.
His name is Dante, and he's an imaginary pen-pal I wrote to when I write my diary. Hmm... I haven't write to him in a while. There's so much to catch him up on.
I got my driver's license in 2019.
It's a very long story involving procrastination, money problems; and lying and thieving driver's instructors, who happens to be a friend of mine, by the way! I wanted to support his business and that was how he repaid me?!
I keep things that I don't need, or have no need for it again.
This is probably why my house is messy? Hmm... Better fix that.
I am hopeless in Mathematics.
I swear I scores As in Maths from kindergarten age to 9 years old. This was a case of teacher who don't know how to teach when I was ten. And in this case, he only teach a certain group of students because it was convenient in terms of body posture. When we asked him to show us how to do the work, he wasn't as detailed.
I take a long time to eat.
There's this one time at the shopping mall food court, my mother got tired of waiting for me to finish eating, she went to another shop to kill some time.
I write fanfictions.
It's M/M trope(?). It's embarrassing if people in my circle knows about it. But this is okay. I'm sort of in incognito.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
For that one reader who visits my blog when they can’t sleep
Hello. Welcome.
Your comment about me
not updating my blog in a long time has been heard.
Well, if I haven’t been
updating my blog before, it was because I was unbelievably lazy. But this year,
I have the fortune of having a full time job.
But I will try and
regularly update my blog from now on; since I found out I have a loyal fan. You won't believe how happy this makes me.
You also mentioned not
being able to focus on reading my blog because I wrote long articles.
I will try to keep them
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
On My Bookshelf: The Hundred-Foot Journey, by Richard C. Morais
And as we leaned around the corner, I felt my cousin’s hot knee push back against my thigh, and instantly a cricket bat was poking up through my pants.
For if there was one human condition that Madame Mallory understood, it was jealousy, the intense pain of realising there are those in the world who simple are greater than we are, surpassing us in some profound way, in all our accomplishments.
But he is like a visitor from another planet, and in some ways he is to be pitied, for the distance he has yet to travel, and the hardships he has yet to endure.
“When you leave here, […] you are likely to forget most of the things I have taught you. That can’t be helped. If you retain anything, however, I wish it to be this bit of advice my father gave me when I was a little girl, after a famous and extremely difficult writer had just left our family hotel. ‘Gertrude,’ he said, ‘never forget a snob is a person utterly lacking in good taste.’ I myself forget this excellent piece of advice, but I trust you will not be so foolish.”
“I am not very good with words, but I would like to tell you that somewhere in life I lost my way, and I believe you were sent to me, perhaps by my beloved father, so that I could be restored to the world. And I thank you for this. You have made me understand that good taste is no the birthright of snobs, but a gift from God sometimes found in the most unlikely of places and in the unlikeliest of people.”
This was the vision that visited, in that restless space between sleeping and waking, and it greatly soothed me. For this vision of the chickens heading to slaughter reminded me that there are many points in life when we cannot see what awaits us around the corner and it is precisely at such times, when our path forward is unclear, that we must bravely keep our nerve, resolutely putting one foot before the other as we march blindly into the dark.
And it was just before I fell asleep that I remembered one of Uncle Mayur’s favourite expressions, often repeated as we walked, hand in hand. through the slums of Mumbai when I was a little boy. “Hassan, it is Allah who gives and takes away,” he liked to tell me, and with a cheerful wobble of his head. “Always remember this: His will is only revealed at the right time.”
I am always reminding myself why I got into the game in the first place. […] It’s so easy to become intoxicated by all this flimflam. […] That is what he had to teach us - all of us - in the end. Never lose sight.
Friday, January 10, 2020
On My Bookshelf: The Out of Office Girl, by Nicola Doherty

When a nice guy shows an interest in you, you run a mile. It’s as if you think you don’t deserve it. Whereas a creep like Simon has your full attention.